5 Things I’d Like To See in Minecraft

Hey, guys! Today I’ll be talking about five awesome things I’d love to see implemented into Minecraft. If any modders or anyone from Mojang are reading this right now, please think about adding these cool things into the game. Enjoy!!!

1. Apple Trees
Currently, apples fall from oak trees, which is a little bit weird. I think that there should be another kind of tree, with another kind of wood, that when you break the leaves there’s a 50% chance of dropping an apple. They’d drop saplings normally, like every other kind of tree, but in essence they’d be a food tree.

2. Birds
There aren’t enough birds in Minecraft! I mean, there’s the chickens, which are pretty cool, but I think there should be flying birds as well. They should come in multiple colors like the rabbits, be about the size of silverfish, and spawn naturally in forest, jungle, and taiga biomes. They should drop only feathers if you manage to kill them, since songbirds wouldn’t really be much to eat anyway.

3. Fish
You can craft a fishing pole and go fishing, so where are the fish? I think fish should be implemented in as mobs and not just a food source. You’d have to sneak near them, like ocelots, and boats would scare them away unless they were still. You’d still be able to go fishing normally, but the fish have to bite, and they’d bite as a mob as often as they do in the current version of Minecraft.

4. Plastic
I think this would be a cool new material to play with in the game. You could make tools out of it, and they’d be slightly more durable than wood, but it would be very easy to get as you’d get it from smelting a bucket of oil that spawns in caves. One bucket of oil would produce twelve pieces of plastic. They could also be turned into blocks, colored, and used for building.

5. Slingshots
Minecraft needs a new weapon! If I were trying to survive in the wild, I’d want more than a sword and a bow, seeing as swords can be hard to fight with and I stink at archery. How about a slingshot? You can use them to throw pieces of cobblestone or stone just like bows use arrows, and you would aim like with a bow, but with different animation. It would do less damage then a bow, and would be more difficult to aim, but the ammo and crafting recipe – four sticks aranged in a Y shape – would be much easier to obtain than a bow.

Thanks for reading, guys! I hope this was interesting, and maybe gave you some ideas if you’re into that kind of thing!

Summer 😀


  1. I’m with all of the ideas



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